Det kommer aldrig va över för mig
Kategori: Allmänt
Kategori: Allmänt
Kategori: Allmänt
Kategori: Allmänt
Kommer ni ihåg att jag har pratat om de här Learning Stories som jag skrev om Elliot och Leo varje månad? Om något de har utvecklat eller övervunnit och hur man går vidare från tider, plus massa bilder såklart. Det kändes som jag inte gjorde något annat ibland och hade smått ångest i början för att jag inte visst vad jag skulle skriva om eller hur. Något måste dock ha förändrats för sista månaden jag var där började de utse "Learning Story of the month" där ens värdföräldrar kan nominera en för bästa learning story från Au pair link runt om i NZ. Och gissa vem som vann!! Sjukt kul avslutning fast det bara är äran :D
Tänkte att jag kunde dela med mig av Elliots learning story, blir ju bara texten tyvärr utan några roliga foton eller färgglada rubriker då jag inte vet om jag kan länka till dokumentet på något sätt, men läs gärna om ni vill :)
Cheeeese please
It's almost been six months since I came to New Zealand now and it has been great to follow your development Elliot and to see how far you've got with your speaking skills. Today you speak much clearer and it's easy to understand what you are saying, especially with a improved vocabulary. Therefore it's much easier to communicate and you can tell me what you want, what's wrong when you're upset/crying etc. in a whole different level. You gain confidence to express your ideas and feel a sense of belonging.
I can also tell that you are very curious to know and learn more words and what they mean since you ask the question ”why” again and again and again and want to explore ”the secret about languages” to use and improve your verbal communication skills.
What I'm most proud of is how well and fast you have learnt how to use your manners. Both you and Leo are getting really good at saying thank you and please and that's something we gonna continue to practice. Sometimes you can even make it funny, without even noticing it, like yesterday:
Elliot comes in to the kitchen to ask for some more carrot sticks while watching some TV before dinner (after doing great at his first swimming lesson!)
Elliot, can we please turn of the TV and go and have some yummie dinner instead?
(Expecting a NO and lots of screaming)
No, thank you (and walks slowly back to the movie-room...)
Oh well, ehm...
To speak properly, pronounce the words well and to use your good manners is something we have to practice every day, even when we're older. By doing this you seem more friendly and are more likely to be given respect in various situations; you seem older and more mature; and it's definitely a plus in school and for jobs later
on – without having to bribe the teacher with an red apple..!
What's next?
We gonna continue to try to use good manners – repetition is the happinness of success! We can also go to the library and borrow books to improve the vocabulary and the pronunciation of words. In a few years I will definitely come back and then I hope you're ready for scrabble!
Kategori: Allmänt